All judgments and orders of first instance by a people's court that have not been appealed within the prescribed time limit shall be legally effective. 逾期不提起上诉的,人民法院的第一审判决或者裁定发生法律效力。
Article 82 Refusing to go through the land alteration registration according to the provisions of this law, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order the parties concerned to go through the procedure within a prescribed time limit. 第八十二条不依照本法规定办理土地变更登记的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令其限期办理。
Where any person evades tax by deception or concealment, after the tax authorities pursued the payment of tax, fails again to pay it within the prescribed time limit, the tax authorities shall recover the tax which should have been paid. 采取隐瞒,欺骗手段偷税的,经税务机关催缴,在规定的期限内仍不缴纳的,由税务机关追缴其应缴纳税款。
In the course of carriage, the passenger's carry-on luggage shall be within the prescribed limit. 第二百九十六条旅客在运输中应当按照约定的限量携带行李。
Where a party concerned fails to present the statements or pleadings, or to request for organizing of a hearing within the prescribed time limit, that party shall be deemed to have waived the relevant rights. 当事人逾期未提出陈述、申辩或逾期未要求组织听证的,视为放弃有关权利。“虚假陈述”是一种对不真实事实的陈述。
Where a party does not perform the award of the arbitration agency within the prescribed time limit, the other party may apply to a people's court for compulsory execution. 当事人一方在规定的期限内不履行仲裁机构的仲裁决定的,另一方可以申请人民法院强制执行。
The company and related information disclosure obligors shall accept and actively coordinate with daily supervision and regulation of the bourse, answer the questions asked by the bourse within prescribed time limit as well as submit statements in accordance with requirements or disclose corresponding modified announcement or supplementary announcement. 公司及相关信息披露义务人应当接受并积极配合本所的日常监管,在规定期限内如实回答本所问询,并按要求提交说明,或者披露相应的更正或补充公告。
Taxes for which tax returns have been filed but fail to be paid or turned in ( hereinafter referred to as the taxes declared but not put into the treasury) within the prescribed time limit; 已办理纳税申报,但未按照规定的期限缴纳或解缴的税款(以下简称申报未入库税款);
Prescribed limit of permitted alcohol content 体内含酒精量订明的法定限度
Anti-inflammatory Potential of One Novel Derivate of Icariin in Vitro and in Vivo in charge of a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit 一种新的淫羊藿苷衍生物体内和体外抗炎机制研究(英文)在体内酒精浓度超过订明限制的情况下掌管汽车
Shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as further extension will no be considered. 装运期必须在规定的期限内完成,再次展期将不予考虑。
Foreign enterprises and withholding agents must pay their tax within the prescribed time limit. 外国企业和扣缴义务人必须按照规定的期限,缴纳税款。
Drive with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit 在体内酒精浓度超过订明限制的情况下驾驶
Failure of applicants and interested persons of customs administrative in raising such hearing request before prescribed time limit shall be deemed as waiver of the hearing right. 海关行政许可申请人、利害关系人逾期未提出听证要求的,视为放弃听证的权利。
Tax payers have the right to apply for review within prescribed time limit. 纳税人有在规定的期限内申请复议的权利。
Should auction enterprises established before the implementation of this law do not meet the requirements as prescribed in this law, shall meet the requirements as stipulated in this law within the prescribed time limit; 本法施行前设立的拍卖企业,不具备本法规定的条件的,应当在规定的期限内达到本法规定的条件;
The aforesaid accounts which fail to be changed into inter-bank current accounts of RMB within the prescribed time limit shall not be used to handle cross-border RMB settlement businesses any more. 上述账户在规定期限内未转为人民币同业往来账户的,不得再用于办理跨境人民币结算业务。
BAC usually peaks 60 minutes after a person stops drinking. prescribed limit of permitted alcohol content 血液酒精含量值在人体停止摄入酒精之后持续峰值60分钟。体内含酒精量订明的法定限度
If one of the parties fails to choose an arbitrator within the prescribed time limit, the chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall, upon the request of the other party, appoint the arbitrator on the former's behalf. 如一方当事人在规定期限内不选定仲裁员,仲裁委员会主席依他方当事人之声请,代为指定仲裁员;
If the inspection and quarantine body finds through the check any violations of the relevant provisions by the storehouse, it may order the storehouse to get right within a prescribed time limit; 检验检疫机构在检查时,发现存储库有违反有关规定的,应当责令其限期改正;
"Failure to apply for tax registration, change or cancellation of tax registration within a prescribed time limit;" 未按照规定的期限申报办理税务登记、变更或者注销登记的
The prescribed time limit must be strictly complied with. 必须严格遵照规定的时间限制。
Withholding agent should turn the tax withheld over to the State Treasury within the prescribed time limit and file this return with the local tax authorities. 扣缴义务人应将扣缴的税款在规定的期限内缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送本表。
Why do we have to stick to conventions and dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit? 我们为什么要墨守成规,不敢越雷池一步呢?
It has to be stressed that shipment must be effected within the prescribed time limit, as a further extension will not be considered. 必须强调的是,货物装运必须按期进行,任何进一步延期的要求将不予于考虑。
All the results show that its equilibrium solution is globally exponentially asymptotically stability for the prescribed limit threshold value. 对设定的阈值范围,证明了模型的平衡解是全局指数渐近稳定的。
Then, by comparing with the original vehicle data in the vehicle management database, it makes the adjudicate whether the size of vehicle is within the prescribed limit. 进而与车辆管理数据库中的原始出厂数据实施比对,作出该车是否尺寸超限的评判。
This method has high efficiency and its accuracy even exceeds the prescribed limit. 方法效率高、精度满足甚至超出规定的指标。
The aim of OBD is to make sure whether there is a certain part malfunction that results in the exhaust gas pollutants exceeding the prescribed limit. OBD的目的就是确定是否由于汽车零部件的故障导致污染物排放超过规定值。